Winning the cyber war starts with a united front.

Join the Truth In Cyber movement to advance your commitment to transparency and accountability.

Winning the cyber war starts with a united front.

Join the Truth In Cyber movement to advance your commitment to transparency and accountability.

Our Vision & Mission

Our vision is to win the war on cybercrime by uniting the cyber industry to tell the truth, creating a world where everyone can trust their provider.

Our Mission is to create a community that holds one another accountable and puts protecting clients ahead of their bottom line. Let’s build a movement that changes the industry for the better. When we all join together, our small individual commitments multiply to create a huge impact.

Micheal Kennedy


The Truth In Cyber movement is designed for IT leaders and vendors who are tired of the status quo, and want to join us to help change the industry. It calls on technology, IT, and cybersecurity solution providers to be intentional about collaborating and working transparently with clients, peers, and competitors.

Cybersecurity industry trailblazer Michael Kennedy is the founder of He spent 20+ years leading network infrastructure, security, program management, and M&A integration teams before starting Ostra Cybersecurity in 2018.

Throughout his career, Michael noticed a growing problem with service providers in the cybersecurity space: a lack of transparency. Thanks to a highly saturated and competitive market, technology providers and MSSPs are too focused on closing deals and hiding their “secret sauce” from competitors. Many have lost sight of their core purpose—which is to help clients prevent and recover quickly from cyberattacks—and instead use predatory sales practices instead of taking care of people. As a result, we are all losing the war on cybercrime.

To change this narrative, Kennedy and Ostra Cybersecurity decided to launch the Truth In Cyber movement. Sign the Truth In Cyber Pledge today!

About the Pledge

The Truth In Cyber Pledge is a simple way to show your commitment to creating a culture of trust and transparency. Take the pledge today, and take a small step to helping us start winning the war on cybercrime.

Key Attributes of the Truth In Cyber Pledge

  • Honesty

  • Self-awareness

  • Transparency

  • Accountability

Join the Movement: Sign the Truth In Cyber Pledge

Take a stand against the shadows of cyber-confusion in our industry—and let’s win the cyber war through a united front of transparency.

I pledge to practice HONESTY. I will do this by using plain, common language that all user levels can understand. I will use transparent sales & marketing practices; I will not use predatory practices (i.e., fear tactics).

I pledge to practice SELF-AWARENESS. I will do this by openly recognizing that my organization/solution is not perfect, or ideal for everyone. I am committed to constantly growing, learning, and improving for the good of clients.

I pledge to practice TRANSPARENCY. I will do this by being open to giving and receiving constructive feedback. I will share critical information with competitors and other vendors in the interest of serving and protecting my clients.

I pledge to practice ACCOUNTABILITY. I will seek to educate others as a first priority (over sales). I will seek collaboration with industry partners. I will donate my time, talents, and other resources to bettering the industry.